Work Organization

In the first stages of programming the robot, everyone wrote the basic functions.
Gautier handled the fuctions related to the sensors,Justine wrote everything related for distinguishing obstacle type, Mohammed wrote the movement and rotation functions, and Armand handled the functions for extending and releasing the arm. He also managed to buil the robot.

In the later stages of programming, we held nearly weekly meetings in order to discuss the more complex algorithms for movement in the arena and how to establish a good cartography of the map. The communication with the server, establishing the map, finding a way to scout, and enhancing and debugging other functions was a team effort. It was often that someone started creating a function and then it was improved by the others.

For example we had some difficulties to have a precise rotation. So Mohammed created the first function. Justine decided to improve it by using the old one and then turns slowly. Finally Gautier realized that we could use another way to do it by using a thread controlling the angle value and stopping the function.

For the more advanced functions, globally Armand and Gautier worked on threads, Armand worked on handling the map, Justine worked on obstacles and scouting, Mohammed worked on calculation to find our position in the stadium. Gautier handled the communication with the server. The initial boundary mapping was really a team work, Mohammed did the squeletton, Gautier continued it, Justine add the case of a boundary gounf to the right and the links with Armand's functions to save all the positions and create a map depending of the size obtained after following all the boundaries.


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